• Explore • Experience • Evolve

    Explore • Experience • Evolve

  • Explore • Experience • Evolve

    Explore • Experience • Evolve

  • Learn Cultures From The Source

    Learn Cultures From The Source

  • ExperienceThe UltimateOutdoor JourneyInto Yourself

    The Ultimate
    Outdoor Journey
    Into Yourself

  • Overcome, Challenge & Discover

    Overcome, Challenge & Discover


"A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination based on the supposed transformation of matter…"

Journeys that matter

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared
to what lies within us."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Our Services

We are committed to sharing our passion for adventure by offering fun filled experiences that challenge, empower and transform:

  • Local Hikes and Highlighted Special Events
  • Multi-day Adventures - local and global
  • Private or Group Customized Adventures: day hikes, special events or multi-day trips

High Altitude Training:
Set in the beautiful San Juan Mountains of Telluride, Colorado. This experience combines the rugged beauty and challenge of the mountains with the luxury of the Peaks Resort and Spa, as well as the unique and charming town of Telluride and its many renowned festivals and events.

Trail Running Training:
Learn trail running, or train for a short or long distance trail event with Susan. She will guide you on the trails, educate, and share tips, and strategies for a safe and fun filled experience!

  • african elephantJourneys
  • greek columnsLocations
  • havasu fallsGoals
  • natural greek amphitheatrePathways
  • Havasu Grand Canyon 018 800Experiences
  • greek temple susanMysteries



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  • “ I have hiked with Sue for many years. She is incredibly fit, and able to handle complex technical challenges of the more difficult hikes. Susan is motivating, well prepared, and most of all, we always have fun! ”

    – Tom
  • “ I’ve hiked with Susan many, many times over the past 4 years both locally and on trips that included hiking in Colorado and climbing Mt Kilimanjaro. Susan is a terrific hike leader/guide. She is tireless, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and a pleasure to be with. ”

    – Pat
  • “ Ten years ago I could barely walk around the block. Since meeting Susan I have swam in the blue green waters of Havasu, climbed to the top of Ausangante in Peru, and summited Mount Kilimanjaro. Susan was there to coach me, train me, and motivate me. I have made lifelong friends through these trips. Susan is not only a fantastic guide but a trusted friend. ”

    – Marlo
  • “ I have known Sue over 15 years. We have climbed many, mountains and hiked too many miles to count. Sue designs trips that are first class, managing every detail resulting in exceptional experiences. Her comprehensive training to prepare you for these trips is a very unique feature of a guide. ”

    – Joanne
  • “ I figured that my days of outdoor adventure where behind me. Susan introduced me to local hiking. Susan's thoughtful and tireless care into trip research and planning has helped me prepare - both physically and mentally. I am more fit at age 53 than I ever was in my 20’s or 30’s. ”

    – Mason
  • “ I successfully reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa with Susan as my outstanding guide and leader. I witnessed her guide a blind man to the summit and not only is she supportive and positive, her main focus is safety and well being. After climbing treacherous trails, I knew Susan was an experienced and professional guide that I could trust in any conditions. I am forever grateful that this wonderful spirit came into my life and changed it for the better. ”

    – Lori
  • “ I love hiking with Susan! Her hikes are always fun and challenging- terrific exercise! Plus Susan's extensive knowledge and familiarity with hiking trails in the Northeast have led to some very special hikes filled with amazing scenery, magnificent views, and breathtaking natural beauty....I can't wait to get back out on the trail with her and see what new, amazing experience she has in store for us! ”

    – Jean
  • “ I’m an avid adventurer and outdoorsman and the Kilimanjaro climb was one of the greatest overall experiences I have had on an expedition.  From planning to travel to accommodations and execution the trip was a tremendous success. Susan Riggio is an experienced outdoorsman and a world-class athlete.  She has a unique approach to bringing unity and a sense of connectedness to even the most diverse teams.”

    - Rick
  • “I have been hiking and adventuring with Susan for several years now. She has a real talent for organizing and motivating people to get moving, push yourself, and enjoy the world around us. Whether a brisk hike along some local trail or waking up to a bazillion stars in the Grand Canyon, I can honestly say were it not for Susan, my wife and I would not have re-discovered our love of the outdoors.”

    - Eric

Contact Alchemy Outdoors today.
Call 908-229-6029 or fill out the form below.
